Thursday, November 26, 2009

New moon,

hi, so today, went to pyramid to celebrate my birthday and to watch new moon, i can say that it was awesome, so arrived that at 1 and no one was there till 2, then dany and nahar came, followed by elyna and followed by qlar, ate a FRIDAY's, it was okay. A lot of WASTED FOOD, then hit the cinemas, all of us bought like pop corn and a drink. Dany and Nahar finished theirs like really really fast, and then ate qlar's popcorn, coz she cant finish it. Damn,, they eat a LOT, Especially, at FRiday's. After the movie, we parted , dany went with nahar back home. Then me, elyna and qlar went to asian avenue , to the photo booth to take pictures, we didnt know what we were doing like till we tried it the second time, but by then elyna was gone :( But, the pictures turned out well. Then me and qlar parted , and i went with my brother and his friends to play archery. it was tiring. Got home, got sleepy and sleep. Thats all for tonight. Bye bye :D

PS: will upload photos laterr :D :P